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Catching Up With Goals

June 1, 2020

Growing up on a farm, we always had a dog or three running around. My parents had a thing for Brittany Spaniels, so inevitably one of those dogs was a Brittany. In order to keep things easy, and because they always got orange and white coloured males, the Brittany was usually named Freckles.


These days, the Brittany is a liver and white female, named Trixie. She is the best behaved and mannered Brittany we’ve ever had. The middling human loves her.

I think it was Freckles III who used to chase cars and trucks on the gravel road that set the property line of the front field. He was terrible about it, getting SO CLOSE to that front tire we were always afraid he’d get hurt or killed. I always wondered what he was thinking and what he would do if he actually caught that fast-paced goal.

I’m starting to think I know what that feels like…

If you have sincerely followed me for any significant length of time, whether through my blog, my FB account, or Instagram, then you know I have a penchant for words. Lots of words. Too many words, some might say.

So do you know how AWESOME it feels, then, to have a magazine editor come to you with an idea for a regular column in their new magazine that includes MY words? Just the way they are, even?

To the moon, Alice. To. The. Freaking. Moon!!

So… there’s this new woodworking magazine out now, called Quercus Magazine. It focuses on hand tools, mostly, and is edited/published by Nick Gibbs, who has been involved in such British magazines as Living Woods, British Woodworking, and Good Woodworking, for over 25 years. And I have a regular column in it!

Go check it out, please! They currently have digital versions of their first edition HERE and subscriptions/print issues will be available through the Quercus Magazine website later this week. Right now it is a quarterly publication, but that could change (let Nick know if you think I’m not writing enough words)!

Nick has fought through some challenges to get back to publishing woodworking magazines. And now he’s added even more by asking me to write for him! But I’ll do my best to come up with articles you’ll want to read and to stay on top of things so Nick doesn’t regret his decision.

Also… I’m on the front cover of the first issue. 

Quercus Magazine Issue 1 June 2020

Quercus Magazine – Woodworking By Hand; Issue 1, Summer 2020

My first article covers the Wheeler patented countersink depth gauge, offered by Stanley for many years in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Wheeler Depth Gauge 06

The Wheeler patented countersink with depth gauge.

*deep breath*

Alright, let’s go catch that car!


8 Comments leave one →
  1. Ron permalink
    June 2, 2020 7:30 am

    So cool! That’s all I wanted to say, congratulations!


  2. June 2, 2020 9:16 am

    Congrats! Such a cool and well deserved opportunity for you.


    • June 2, 2020 9:22 am

      Aw, thanks, Jeremy! I have an opportunity here, and I’m very appreciative of it. And I can’t wait to write more. I’m already organizing topics I want to cover. I’m sure you can imagine… 🙂


  3. June 2, 2020 11:11 am

    Congrats, Ethan. That’s really cool. Seize the day.


  4. Angie Day Atchley permalink
    June 5, 2020 7:31 am

    Oh my gosh! Amazing Ethan!!! Congrats! Although, I’m not surprised, your work is amazing.


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